Thursday, April 18, 2013


            This week in leadership class we studied chapter 21 of Adaptive Leadership called Inspire People. I really liked this chapter because it reminded me of the many times I’ve been inspired by certain people. This chapter brought me back to a specific inspirational memory given that Tuesday, April 16th was the 2013 Day of Remembrance of the shootings on Virginia Tech’s campus. I wasn’t a student yet when the attack occurred, but I can remember staying glued to the news and feeling nothing but helpless. Virginia Tech distinguished professor Nikki Giovanni gave an amazing speech to the VT community regarding the tragedy and I was brought immediately back to it when I read this chapter and we discussed it in class.

Nikki Giovanni

Nikki Giovanni’s words embodied most of the principles discussed in the chapter including: Be with Your Audience, Allow for Silence, Speak from the Heart, Hold Yourself and Others Through the Emotion, and Speak Musically. She delivered her message in a way that connected with the Virginia Tech Community and she allowed for pauses of silence that let her words resonate with students. Furthermore, she spoke musically in the sense that her tone was serious and inspiring, and the way she spoke and repeated the words “We will prevail, we are Virginia Tech,” made the convocation something that will never be forgotten.

            I have never been a good public speaker, but after reading this chapter and making connections with some of the concepts to certain speeches that I find extremely inspiring, I will work to add those concepts into my future presentations. 

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