Friday, March 8, 2013

Service Learning Action Plan


            Last week in class, we learned the basics of creating a Service-Learning Action Plan. I wasn’t sure that I had ever heard of the tool, but after reviewing the worksheet, I knew I had created a diagram similar to the one on the front of the page. As a Business Information Technology major, learning how to visually lay out steps in a system or process is vital step in identifying places for potential process improvement in meeting the ultimate goal of operational efficiency. Last semester, I took a class called Quality & Process Improvement. Our big semester assignment was to analyze a process and look for areas of improvement. For my project, I chose to analyze patient waiting times at Schiffert Health Center. The first thing I did for this assignment was interview Schiffert employees and patients and create a process flow diagram (see picture below) of all the steps patients take starting from entering the front door, just like how the diagram pictured on the Service-Learning Action Plan worksheet laid out all of the steps of working with the local Boys and Girls club to help start a "Triple Play" program. I was a little bit confused at first because I had never really considered or thought to make a connection between the two different subjects. 
Process Flow Diagram for Patient Check-In Process at Schiffert Health Center


            After thinking about how a tool like a system diagram could benefit both systems analysts and leaders, I was no longer confused about the connection between the two fields of study. Leaders can make use of system diagrams in order to plan efficient projects and ensure accountability for critical tasks. BIT majors can make use of system diagrams or process flow diagrams in order to accurately understand the different steps of a process to understand where improvements can be made. A visual representation of steps helps in both of these situations.
Sample Process Flow Diagram


            After understanding how these diagrams can be useful in a multitude of situations, I think that I will probably use them as an analysis tool more frequently. Whether you are mapping out certain steps to carry out a new years resolution, creating an action plan to meet a certain business goal, or indentifying the flow of work steps in a service-learning project, flow diagrams can help accomplish the task.

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